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Did your parents ever tell you to look after your bowels? If they didn't they should have. It seems nearly all illnesses can be traced back to the bowels and the lack of good probiotic bacteria.

Until recently I thought all bacteria was bad. (see Jean's Articles on Probiotics). Then I discovered a product called In-Liven and happen to think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Both Jodi and I use it daily and his diet has improved considerably since we started.

He'll try and eat so much more now and I'm convinced it's partly the good friendly probiotic bacteria that's doing it.
Friendly bacteria are essential for good health and the health benefits of probiotics are well documented.


Apparently, In-Liven is the world's first certified organic probiotic superfood and is the result of over 20 years research & development.

The good bacteria used in this certified organic product are from organic fruits and vegetables.  It seems in some probiotics they can be fast-tracked from faecal matter (Yuk!).

Anyway, these bacteria start working as soon as they reach your intestines (which incidentally would cover half a tennis court if stretched out) so are pretty good.

Why not check it out, like I did?


The product contains wheat and I was initially anxious about giving it to Jodi, because it’s recommended he avoid gluten and casein (the proteins in wheat and dairy).

However, as the protein has already been predigested Jodi is fine. Infact, he's thriving.

He now eats a much wider variety of food which is just amazing. It's as if he knows his stomach can handle it.

Organic Probiotics