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Discovering Music And Autism
And The Connection They Share

By Rachel Evans

For the parents of a child with autism it can be a continuous process to search for new activities and stimulations that can prove to be a benefit their child. And the hardest part can be discerning the validity of the treatment in question, and the true long-term effects of implementation. But with music and autism, the experts agree that music is an invaluable tool for helping in the developmental process of an autistic child.

It is recognized that children with autism tend to have an impaired capacity to converse, learn efficiently, intermingle socially, and develop and acquire new skills. But due to the complex yet predictable structure of music, it can help with all of these problems.

This predicable repetition provides a great learning tool for autistic children. It has also been shown to greatly improve an autistic child’s social skills as well as patience and tolerance.

Multiple Benefits

Not only can music be used to effectively treat autistic children; it can be a great diagnostic tool as well. For example, exposure to music can help to determine the strengths of the child can be identified and weaknesses can be exposed.

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Furthermore, studies have revealed that autistic children show a much higher desire to listen to music when compared to peers of their same age. So while listening to music can be a valuable teaching tool for a child with autism, it can also be a rewarding experience. This may be due to the fact that studies have shown children with autism have an increased ability to discern pitch from other children, making listening to music a more interactive experience.

Modes of Delivery

There are different methods for pairing together music and autism. Besides simply presenting a child with music, you can give them access to a story or lesson taught with musical additions or enhancements. And in many cases, these lessons are made with autistic children in mind, and come as part of a set or series. You can even pick one out based on age group or your child’s ability to learn.

Moreover, some teachings are offered that team up musical elements with activities that help a child to stimulate learning processes and capabilities by asking questions and stimulating memory.

The ultimate goal of these musical lessons is to increase the learning capacity of an autistic child. And while the benefits of doing this are numerous, widespread, and widely endorsed by experts, the greatest benefit of all might be the enjoyment offered to your child.

So we’ve learned that music and autism go hand in hand. It’s hard to know exactly what causes autistic children to become so engaged with musical elements. It could be due to their increased pitch sensitivity, or their willingness to anticipate chord progressions and melodic patterns. Either way, it amounts to a great way to reach children that can be hard to teach, and a tool parents and teachers should both utilize whenever possible.

About the author - Rachel Evans. For information and to signup for a Free Newsletter about Autism please visit The Essential Guide to Autism