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Both Jodi and I were extremely careful to remove the mercury from our systems SAFELY. The product we initially used is called Humet-R which is a safe and easy way to remove heavy metals.

However, there are many other ways. Some are safer than others and the cost will vary considerably.
As you know I am convinced mercury and other heavy metals are the reason my son has autism and during the past few years there has been growing clinical and scientific evidence that most children with autism suffer from mercury/metal toxicity.

Furthermore, there have been many reports from physicians and parents that removal of mercury and other toxic metals can be very beneficial to children with autism. I am one of them.

A wide variety of detoxifying agents and protocols have been used and if you would like to read a report issued by the Autistic Research Institute entitled

Treatment Options for Mercury/Metal Toxicity in Autism and Related Developmental Disabilities.

For more information please Click Here

Mercury Chelation