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Coping With Aggression

By Rachel Evans

Autism is a developmental disorder that is difficult for many parents to manage. Autistic children often display aggressive behaviors out of frustration and an inability to communicate and function within social norms.

Autism develops early in a child’s life. Parents and caregivers may notice significant changes in the behavior of a child early on. Suddenly, there is a developmental problem. Children lose language skills they have already developed and often push other people away.
Aggressive behaviors are difficult to cope with, especially for the parents and loved ones of autistic children. Imagine someone you pour all your love into physically turning on you, and for no apparent reason. It is a devastating experience for many parents, but it is just a fact of dealing with autism.

If you are the parent of an aggressive autistic child it is possible that you will be subjected to violent tantrums. Sometimes an autistic child hurts himself and other times, he may hurt those around him. The inability to properly communicate and assimilate the world around him may cause intense frustration. In addition, many autistic children are incapable of correctly perceiving the world around them that they may feel as though they have no connection to their body. This can cause them to act out violently – although their intent is not to injure others.

Other times, their intent may be to lash out. Parents and caregivers have to understand the root cause of this behavior and take the vantage point that it is ‘nothing personal’. An autistic child has difficulties controlling his behavior and lacks developmental markers that make self-control possible.

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Fortunately, there are many resources available for you to learn about how to cope with aggressive behavior. In addition, there are support groups for parents and family members of autistic children. These groups can be highly valuable in teaching coping skills.

Many parents in some way or another choose to blame themselves but when they get together with others going through the same trials and tribulations it becomes easier to maintain a clearer perspective on the situation.

Another option available is to see a psychologist. Psychologists provide an avenue in which parents can discuss their problems with a mental health professional that can provide an emotional and scientific perspective on the situation.

There are also lectures on the subject that can prove a valuable resource. Many experts in the field of autism present at conferences and discuss coping strategies.

If you can attend it’s a great idea to go to these conferences whenever possible to gain further expert advice on the situation and to meet others who are experiencing the exact same thing as you are.

The most important thing to remember is that your child loves you. It may be difficult for him to show you his love at times, but this does not mean there is no genuine love.

Aggression and violent behavior is common for many autistic children and it is simply a consequence of the developmental difficulties autistic children face.

Autism is difficult to deal with for many parents. Even though it may be emotionally stressful at times, it is important that you keep a cool head during violent outbursts. Chances are that your child cannot control the situation, so the burden falls upon you to be the one in control.

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About the author - Rachel Evans. For information and to signup for a Free Newsletter about Autism please visit  
The Essential Guide to Autism