I'm Not Naughty  - I'm Autistic -  Jodi's Journey    Autism, Amalgam and Me - Jodi's Journey Continues   Mercury Poisoning - It's Not In Our Heads Any More - Jodi's Journey Goes On          Supported Living- Jodi’s Journey Moves On Jean Shaw.com Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved www.JeanShaw.com

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Supported Living - Jodi’s Journey Moves On

     A Disability Awareness and Inclusion Book


Paperback Version

ISBN-10: 0955773652

Kindle Version

ASIN:  B0179X5KF0

Audible Version

This is the fourth book about my son Jodi who has autism.

This time though, it's a fly on the wall account into a small part of his life since he moved out of our family home.

In this book I hope to show it is possible for people with learning difficulties and other related disabilities to live independently with the correct support.

I   hope you'll find it interesting and encouraging.

One of the biggest worries for parents of children with learning

disabilities is what the future holds when full time education is over. What will they do, and who will look after them?

Disabilities come in many forms, and sometimes they're invisible.

Often, that leads others to make snap decisions and judgements about a person.

Many learning disabled and people with special needs face difficulty when they leave full time education. Of course, that's true for people without disabilities too, but because many of those with severe learning disabilities live at home with their parents, it can make life hard for both the person with the disability and the family.

So many families wish their disabled children could spend time with people their own age, and lead fulfilling lives outside the family home.

For most it's just a dream... ...but not always!

It CAN happen!

This book is about Jodi, Ben and Alex, who all have learning

difficulties, and also personal budgets.

They are very lucky!

All three lads have different disabilities and couldn't possibly live

on their own. However, the local council has given each of them an annual personal budget, which means they are able to design their own lives.  With the correct support strategies they are able to access life skill activities to make them as independent as possible.

Jodi, Ben and Alex pool their money so they get full time support.

 Living together in rented accommodation, they each have their own tenancy agreements, and keep their house so clean and tidy it's often referred to by the local authorities as a great example of how good things can be for disabled people when you get three things right.

These are -

* The right mix of people. (similar ages and abilities).

* The right support. (parent involvement and staff who are

interested, interesting, motivated and caring).

*  The right accommodation. (must be large enough for everyone to have their own private space as well as shared rooms).

It is the way forward and Jodi, Ben and Alex are pioneers. They are VERY lucky!


Supported Living - Jodi's Journey Moves On is a look at

autism from a unique perspective - that of a fly on the wall.

We walk through life with Jodi and his friends as they show that just because they are differently abled, that doesn't mean they can't experience life to the fullest.

Through the eyes of Flippin' the Fly, we tag along as Jodi attends

woodworking class, learns to cook, and takes care of the garden. Though Flippin' brings an unusual perspective to the story, Jodi and his friends are clearly the stars of the show!

This book was written in such a way that older children can gain an understanding of what it might be like to live with a disability.

However, it is a great read for adults as well.

As the parent of a child with autism, I related to Jodi's story on a

personal level. Anyone who knows a person with a disability should read this book. It sheds new light on the idea that different is "extra-"ordinary”.

--ID Johnson author of The Journey to Normal: Our Family's Life with Autism