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Looking For An Online
Autism Bookstore?

By Rachel Evans

When faced with autism, many families are overwhelmed, and perhaps even stunned. Once the shock of this diagnosis wears off, there is usually an instant need to find out all there is to know about the condition, and what can be done to help the child in question. This is when parents and teachers need to find a good autism bookstore online. Here are five great places to look for books on many angles of autism, and well as other tools that many find to be helpful.

Perhaps one of the biggest sources for books online is Amazon. Upon entering the site, putting the term ‘autism’ in the search will bring up some amazing resources. There are books for parents, siblings, teachers, and other caregivers. There are books on specific tasks like how to potty train a child with autism, and books on socialization and play time ideas. They also have DVDs and toys for children with this condition.

Another great source is special needs dot com. This site has information and books available about all types of disabilities. The list of books about autism is very diverse and very large. It would be hard not to find what you need there. They also have DVDs, CDs, and some software. When browsing this site, it is important to remember that some are marked as available and some are not. This might be a little frustrating, but the list of books is very valuable, and if they don’t have it there, you have a title to search somewhere else.

There are many very imaginative products available on the web site difflearn dot com. There are great tools like flashcards with facial expressions and other games that help with communication, socialization, and other behaviors. They also have a selection of puzzles and computer programs that can be used, as well as a wide assortment of books on autism.

Get More Information on Natural Remedies for Autism and other PDDs

The site futurehorizonsautism.com has another great selection of books from which to choose, covering a wide array of things that parents may have not even considered before they browse the site. There are books about socialization, early intervention, diet, behavior modification, books geared towards the autistic child, and the family and friends as well. They have DVDs and toys too.

One site that should be on anyone’s list is the Autism Asperger’s Publishing Company. They can be found at asperger dot net. Here you will again find a huge variety of books from which to choose. They also have information about conferences that they hold on the subject matter.

When shopping for books, it is important to remember that there is new information all the time and some of the material might be out-dated. That does not mean it will not be helpful, but it might not be the up to date information that is needed.

Keep reading to find out how you can stay keep up to date on all the latest autism theories and treatment options by signing up for our free autism newsletter below.

Each autism bookstore has its own collection of books so it’s worth browsing around. Each child has different needs and a different level of function, so what works for one family may not be of any interest to another.

About the author - Rachel Evans. For information and to signup for a Free Newsletter about Autism please visit The Essential Guide to Autism